Hans Albrecht Wedel


The first information about the Hans Albrecht Wedel wreck was provided by Commander Benedykt Hac.
In 1999, the vessel under his command, ORP Heweliusz, conducted the first bathymetric surveys, which revealed that a large transport shipwreck, approximately 82 meters long, lies on the waterway near Hel.

Unfortunately, the wreck lies keel-up, which certainly complicates its identification. Over the following years, the Maritime Office received new reports about a large, unidentified wreck on the waterway at a depth of 76 meters.

This became intriguing enough that in March 2011, the Maritime Office conducted detailed multibeam surveys. Based on these images, Daniel Pastwa from our #Baltictech team made a preliminary identification of the vessel. All dimensions and comparative sketches matched, but, of course, final identification required the most important step—diving on the wreck

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