Andy Torbet

In his 30 years of diving Andy has commanded the Army's Underwater Bomb Disposal Team, operated as part of the UK’s Maritime Counter-Terrorist Unit, carried out underwater body and weapons searches from Hampshire to Iraq, worked as a commercial diving supervisor, snorkeled with sharks, freedived under Alaskan ice, piloted the Exosuit, carried out numerous cave diving exploration projects (including solo operations), discovered lost shipwrecks from Patagonia to Cornwall, dived in Greenlandic glacial lakes, under Arctic icebergs, around mysterious Japanese ruins, over a submerged town of ancient Greece and on the HMHS Britannic. And more. Some of these have been for science and exploration and some for TV. He has presented on 22 TV series to date for the likes of the BBC, CBBC, Ch5, Discovery and the History Channel. He has written over 300 article and one book, mostly about technical and cave diving. 

However, he has been less visible this year in the diving community as he has been busy since March working full time as a Stuntman and the underwater stunt specialist on…the new James Bond film…


Lecture title: Technical Diving on Television 

Andy Torbet has produced, directed and presented on technical diving shoots for television and film over the last 8 years. He believes that technical and cave divers have a unique ability to show people places, wildlife and history they would otherwise never be able to see.

Some of his work has included diving flooded mines in Wales, re-creating the 1935 first dive in Wookey Hole, discovering shipwreck in the English Channel, diving HMHS Britannic, working in Finland’s Ojamo mine, freediving under Alaskan ice, exploring Blue Lakes in Greenland, producing a 360 cave diving film shot in some of the best known underwater caves of France and, most recently, being the underwater stunt specialist on the new James Bond film.

His talk cover some of the problems, solutions, logistics, character and kit as well as the most spectacular results.



2007 - 2025

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